

Web Design




Web Design


Web Design / UI&UX Design / Full Stack Development

for Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS)

in collaboration with Rebecca Burkhardt

mar 2021 – jun 2022
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the THWS, an interactive timeline was created to reflect the history of the university. To contrast the weight of the current pandemic, the time travel is staged like a flight above the clouds, with three-dimensional typography and images that can be spatially approached and react to the user. Navigation is done using the arrow keys and the objects in the scene can be clicked to reveal related historical information. The menu can be used to filter the entire historical events by different categories to jump back into newly compiled historical scenes.

The web application was implemented primarily using the React.js and Three.js libraries.
Web Design / UI&UX Design / Full Stack Development

for Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS)

in collaboration with Rebecca Burkhardt

mar 2021 – jun 2022
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the THWS, an interactive timeline was created to reflect the history of the university. To contrast the weight of the current pandemic, the time travel is staged like a flight above the clouds, with three-dimensional typography and images that can be spatially approached and react to the user. Navigation is done using the arrow keys and the objects in the scene can be clicked to reveal related historical information. The menu can be used to filter the entire historical events by different categories to jump back into newly compiled historical scenes.

The web application was implemented primarily using the React.js and Three.js libraries.